
Senior woman smiling listening to music

The Benefits of Listening to Music

Humans have been listening to music for a very long time. Do you need proof? Consider the Neanderthal Flute. Discovered in 1995 in a cave in Slovenia, this ancient instrument was carved from the bone of a cave bear and played at least 50,000 years ago. It’s the world’s oldest musical instrument, yet when scientists created a clay replica, they found that it is capable of playing notes that match the modern music scale. While they might not have been able to pinpoint the exact details, it seems likely that people have appreciated the benefits of listening to music for a long, long time.

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senior man doing yoga indoors

How to Find Motivation to Exercise

With a new year just around the corner, you might be getting ready to make some resolutions to improve your health. Making a decision to get more exercise is always a good idea, but how can you make sure you stick to it? Learn how to find motivation to exercise, and you’ll stay successful all year long.

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Senior woman and young woman smiling and embracing

How to Practice Patience with Your Elderly Loved Ones

There’s an Irish proverb for practically every occasion. One proverb offers a bit of wisdom that is particularly appropriate for caregivers: “Patience is a plaster for all sores.” The proverb can be found in various forms, but the idea conveyed remains the same. There is a kind of strength and healing to be found in patience that many overlook in today’s fast-paced, 24/7 world. Connecting with that sense of patience will serve you well as you work to deliver quality care that meets the emotional and physical needs of your loved one without experiencing burnout. If you find yourself serving as a caregiver, do you know how to practice patience with the seniors in your life?

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Smiling senior man and young nurse

What Is Memory Care?

When seniors who live at home begin to have memory issues, there are difficult choices to be made. How can seniors maintain their independence while still getting the help they need? What is memory care?

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Senior woman kneeling on mat outside, looking calm and peaceful

How to Find Peace in Your Sunset Years

If you’re wondering how to find peace in your sunset years, you may find the idea of turning to a tradition that spans centuries and cultures appealing. According to Mayo Clinic, meditation is a form of complementary medicine that can bring you peace, calm, and balance, benefiting both your emotional well-being and overall health. Is the idea of sitting still and trying to clear your mind a turn-off? Don’t panic. There are several types of meditation, including dynamic moving meditations.

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Smiling senior woman outside in autumn

Benefits of Being Outdoors

Did you know that spending time outside can provide a boost to your mental and physical health? Summer is the time for outdoor fun, but that fun doesn’t have to end now that autumn is coming. There are lots of benefits of being outdoors regardless of the season. 

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Smiling senior couple looking at photo album together

The Benefits of Assisted Living with Memory Care

Assisted living brings up a lot to consider for any senior. If you’re contemplating a transition into assisted living, you may be curious about the kinds of support that will be available to you. For seniors that are looking for help with memory issues, it’s a good idea to explore assisted living with memory care.

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Two smiling seniors wearing sunglasses in car

Why Sunglasses Are Important

“My future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades!” This old song lyric is fun, but it’s also good advice. Whether you’re looking into a bright future or just getting ready to go out on a sunny day, you’ll be better off if your eyes are protected. That’s why sunglasses are important if you want to get the most out of the summer.

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Senior woman smiling and eating watermelon outside

Summer Trivia for Seniors

We’ve reached the dog days of summer, my friends. Enjoy the late sunsets, warm temperatures, and fresh watermelon while you still can. And why not bust out some summer trivia for seniors while you’re at it? These interesting facts and tidbits can spice up any conversation. Plus, you never know – they might pop up in a round of Trivial Pursuit!

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